Haleon Plc uses ScribeStar for drafting and verification of their Annual and Form 20-F, and Responsible Business Reports
Haleon hoose ScribeStar:
For the ability to update and version control the document in parallel with verification
Flexibility, efficiency and support with adapting the setup to Haleon’s needs and for the ability to integrate with Haleon’s business practices.
Easy training and onboarding, and the ability to invite other parties to collaborate on the platform, including design agencies, to conduct their work on a single source of truth.
Ability to output to different types of formats (PDF, HTML, XML etc.) at any time.
Ability to reuse and unify verified information and text across multiple documents, and further streamline next year’s reporting process.
““ScribeStar has revolutionised how reports and documents are produced and verified!”, Haleon Plc
Spend your time on the content and leave the rest to us!
ScribeStar is a member of the London Stock Exchange Issuer Services Marketplace